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Speed Up Computer Performance

By Unknown - No Comments

How can I speed up my Computer?

One day I visited a friend who complained that his PC was running slowly. And he asked me how can I speed my my computer. Friend computer has Windows 7 machine, and indeed it was crawling. And as I saw my friend was victim of some drive by installation, a result of clicking on some button on a webpage. Always be careful when you install something, don’t click other buttons and read careful the article.

Often when you install one program that you do want, you’ll be hit with another you don’t want. And that’s the reason why your computer might be running slowly. But software isn’t the only issue affecting for PC speed. Thanks god, Windows offers tools that can help you easily see how fast or slow your hardware components are. You can check this by clicking on Computer > Chose Properties. You can see your Windows version and hardware, and what mostly we want you can see a Windows Experience rating.

Windows Experience is very important and the rate is from 1.0 to 7.0. For example my Computer Rate is 5.9, while my RAM 8 GB and GPU have a good scores, but my hard drive was less than others. As you can see when you have a low rate on hard-drive you need to replace hardware to get a faster running computer.

Hope i help you.
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