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How to Add JavaScript and CSS Code?

By Unknown - No Comments

How can I add a JavaScript and CSS code in the right place?

As we know Blogger became most used platform to create blog. I will share to you how to add JavaScript and css code in right place in blogger HTML editor.

All of us want to have for example, good css menu or some plugins for our blogger, but to do this we need to add the code in right place.
Adding codes in wrong place will cause to your blog loading speed and several other things. I will share with you few things to follow while you’re adding external and internal JavaScript and CSS code.
> External CSS:
The external css include all css doe in one URL and can be written in any test editor. Style sheet should be saved with a .css extension. It will look like below.

Every external CSS code must be added <b:skin> tag in HTML editor. So as we can see this external CSS code will load first. If you would add Java Script there, your blog will take more time to load, and chances are small to function.> Internal CSS:
The internal css include all css code in your blog style, between <style> and </style>. This CSS code it belongs style of your blog. In that case many of people keep it in right place.

> External JavaScript:
Every external JavaScript include your entire external file (with .js extension). This external code can be link to your HTML document right before ending your </script>

> Internal JavaScript:
This internal include all your Java Script in your blog itself. Adding internal JavaScript In the same please before </script>
Now you can optimize your blog speed for a better loading if you follow this steps that I share with you. Hope you like this tutorial. If you didn’t understood feel free to comment.

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